Why you want to apply for a working student position today

Why you want to apply for a working student position today


Do you want to gain work experience as a student? Then we strongly recommend becoming a working student. Studying and working at the same time is very useful if, for example, you want to strengthen your resume before you finally apply for your full-time job. Advantages of a working student are, for example: relevant work experience, good salary and often it is very educational, but combining study and work can also be difficult and a large investment of time. In this article, we give you tips on how to find the perfect working student job.

Gain work experience as a student

If you are looking for a part-time job alongside your studies, it is important to determine in advance what you have to offer the company and what you expect in return. Think of the number of hours you can work per week, the study you are doing and what you can bring to the company. For a working student, they usually ask to be available for more than 16 hours a week. A working studentship is a very good stepping stone to get to know a company where you might want to work later, or to gain experience in a sector that interests you.

As a data working student, you will also get to know various interesting tech companies and learn to work with new technologies. If you would like to do something in your field of study, but do not yet want to work as a real working student, for example because you are still in your bachelor's degree, you could perform support tasks within a company. As a working student of law or working student of law, you can also think of administration or assisting tasks. There are of course many different companies where you can work as a student.

To make the right choice, it is important that you orient yourself well. In which sector would you like to work and which company suits you well as a person. Usually you can quickly see from the company profile whether something is a match. If this is not the case, you can see from the vacancies what the company is looking for in a student and whether you meet this requirement. If you want to gain work experience as a student, keep an eye on our vacancies for the ideal side job next to your studies.

Board year

If you would like to build your CV during your studies, then gaining work experience as a student is a good plan. During a board year you will be at the helm of an association or company. You develop skills that you will later use a lot during your work. This includes acquisition, analytics and marketing. You will learn to be entrepreneurial and take on a real leadership position, taking the company or association to a higher level. A board year is also very useful for your network. You will get to know different companies and people that other students are not yet in contact with. If you later start looking for a permanent job, this can work very well for you. Studying and working at the same time can be very hard, but what makes a board year unique is that you do it together with only students. This often results in monthly activities and drinks, so very nice! In some cases, such as at deBetaStudent, you simply receive a salary during your board year and it is therefore one of the best ways to gain work experience as a student. After all, you get paid while you develop yourself! If you are interested in a board year at deBetaStudent, check this page for more information!

The application process

Before you can combine study and work, you will first have to go through an application process. Prepare well for this. You will usually have to submit a CV and motivation letter in advance. Make sure you clearly state your (work) experiences and diplomas on your CV. Recruiters especially like to see experiences such as committee work or a board year for the working student of law and working student of law. For working student data, sharing your knowledge of programming languages, for example, will also be useful. In your motivation letter you will tell why you are the right person for the job. Read carefully in the vacancy so that you know exactly which skills the company would like to see and you can respond to them. If you are invited for an interview you will be asked questions about yourself to see if you are a match for the job, but also for the company. So prepare some possible questions in advance, such as 3 qualities and 3 points for improvement that you have.

Start searching now!

In addition to the advantages of a working student, gaining work experience as a student will take extra time. Clearly define for yourself what you would like to achieve with the part-time job and what kind of work you would like to do. Studying and working at the same time can be tough, so look for a job where, in addition to learning a lot, you can also have fun. View our vacancies for the best side jobs that combine your study and work!

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