
Helping by doing

We are a.s.r., the Dutch insurance company for all insurances. Through our brands a.s.r., Ditzo, Europeesche Verzekeringen, Ardanta and Loyalis, we offer products and services in the areas of insurance, pensions and mortgages for consumers and SMEs. We are also active as asset manager and investor through a.s.r. real estate and a.s.r. vermogensbeheer. a.s.r. is one of the top 3 insurers in the Netherlands. We are listed on Euronext Amsterdam and are included in the AEX. More than 4,000 employees work at a.s.r.

Every day we at a.s.r. work together towards an important goal: making the insurance industry better. We want to be an insurer that customers can rely on and our customers’ interests are our main focus. We work with respect for our environment and try to do as much good as possible. For us, it’s not just about profit: we want to play a useful role in society. Helping people and companies move forward so they can continue. That is what drives us. And we achieve this primarily by doing.


The rich history of a.s.r. begins in 1720 with the establishment of the N.V. Maatschappij van Assurantie, Discontering en Beleening der Stad Rotterdam. However, the foundation for our current company was laid in 2000 with the merger of Fortis AMEV and the ASR Group, consisting of De Amersfoortse, Stad Rotterdam Verzekeringen and Woudsend Verzekeringen.

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